August 13, 2009



Meningitis merupakan inflamasi pia mater dan arachnoid atau meningen, yang melapisi otak. Meningitis menunjukan inflamasi yang menyebabkan infeksi. Terdapat tiga keadaan:

1. meningitis saja
2. septikemi saja
3. meningococcal septikemi

Tanda meningitis sebagai berikut:

1. demam
2. sakit kepala
3. kaku leher
4. photophobia dan muntah
5. bingung (mungkin)

Pasien septikemi biasanya tidak menunjukan adanya kegagalan neurologik, tapi pasien menunjukan adanya:

1. perubahan sirkulasi
2. penurunan perfusi perifer
3. tachycardia
4. tachypnoe
5. hypotensi
6. ptechie sebagai indikasi pasien mengalami bakteriemi oleh meningokoki


Pengkajian selalu menggunakan pendekatan ABCDE.


1. pastikan kepatenan jalan napas
2. siapkan alat bantu untuk memperlancar jalan napas jika perlu

1. jika terjadi penurunan dalam fungsi pernapasan segera hubungi ahli anestesi dan bawa ke ICU


1. Kaji respiratory rate – <8 atau >30 merupakan tanda yang signifikan.
2. Kaji saturasi oksigen
3. Lakukan pemeriksaan gas darah
4. Berikan oksigen 100% melalui non re-breath mask
5. Auskultasi dada
6. Lakukan pemeriksaan foto thorak


1. kaji heart rate – >100 atau <40 kali/min merupakan tanda signifikan
2. monitoring tekanan darah – jika tekanan darah sistolik <>
3. periksa waktu pengisian kapiler
4. pasang infuse dengan menggunakan kanul yang besar
5. berikan cairan koloid – gelofusin atau haemaccel
6. pasang kateter
7. periksa lab untuk darah lengkap, urine, elektrolit
8. lakukan kultur darah
9. lakukan pemeriksaan apusan tegorokan untuk kultur dan sensitifitas
10. catat temperature – mungkin pyreksia atau <<36 oC


1. kaji tingkat kesadaran dengan menggunakan AVPU
2. obserasi tanda neurologis fokal


1. kaji adanya ptechie

Tanda ancaman terhadap kehidupan

Jika pasien menunjukan adanya tana kegawatan menunjukan pasien harus dibawa secepatnya ke ICU adapun tandanya sebagai berikut:

1. kemerahan semakin banyak
2. CRT > 4 detik
3. Oliguria
4. Pernapasan <8> 30 per menit
5. Heart rate <40>140 kali per menit
6. Asidosis dengan pH <>
7. WBC <4
8. Adanya tanda penurunan kesadaran – GCS <> 2
9. Neurologi fokal
10. Kejang
11. Bradikardia dan hypertensi
12. Papiloedema

Investigasi dan managemen lanjut

Jika sudah melakukan tindakan tersebut maka selanjutnya dilakukan tindakan mendis lebih lanjut berupa:

1. pertimbangkan lumbar pungsi
2. CT Scan, bukan merupakan prioritas
3. Jika pasien septicemia, bukan merupakan indikasi untuk dilakukan LP
4. Jika mengalami meningitis pertimbangkan LP
5. Berikan 2 g cefotaxim atau ceftriaxon – jika LP tidak dilakukan
6. Selanjutnya berikan antibiotic sesuai dengan hasil kultur
7. Pertimbangkan pemberian dexametason 0,15mg/kg 4 kali sehari



Sepsis dan Shock Sepsis

Sepsis dan shock septis mengancam kehidupan. Mortalitas kasus ini sekitar 25% sampai dengan 90%.

Sepsis merupakan respon sistemik terhadap bakteriemia. Pada saat bakteriemia menyebabkan perubahan dalam sirkulasi menimbulkan penurunan perfusi jaringan dan terjadi shock sepsis. Sekitar 40% pasien sepsis disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme gram-positive dan 60% disebabkan mikroorganisme gram-negative. Pada orang dewasa infeksi saluran kencing merupakan sumber utama terjadinya infeksi. Di rumah sakit kemungkinan sumber infeksi adalah luka dan kateter atau kateter intravena. Organisme yang paling sering menyebabkan sepsis adalah staphylococcus aureus dan pseudomonas sp.

Tanda dan Gejala

Pasien dengan sepsis dan shock sepsis merupakan penyakit akut. Pengkajian dan pengobatan sangat diperlukan. Pasien dapat meninggal karena sepsis. Gejala umum adalah:

1. demam
2. berkeringat
3. sakit kepala
4. nyeri otot

Cari tahu sumber infeksi utama. Pertimbangkan sumber infeksi berikut:

1. infeksi saluran kencing
2. infeksi saluran pernapasan
3. infeksi kulit
4. meningitis
5. endokarditis
6. infeksi intra abdomen
7. osteomyelitis
8. penyakit inflamasi pelvis
9. penyakit menular seksual

Pada pasien sepsis kemungkinan ditemukan:

1. perubahan sirkulasi
2. penurunan perfusi perifer
3. tachycardia
4. tachypnea
5. pyresia atau temperature <36oC
6. hypotensi


Selalu menggunakan pendekatan ABCDE.


1. yakinkan kepatenan jalan napas
2. berikan alat bantu napas jika perlu (guedel atau nasopharyngeal)
3. jika terjadi penurunan fungsi pernapasan segera kontak ahli anestesi dan bawa segera mungkin ke ICU


1. kaji jumlah pernasan lebih dari 24 kali per menit merupakan gejala yang signifikan
2. kaji saturasi oksigen
3. periksa gas darah arteri untuk mengkaji status oksigenasi dan kemungkinan asidosis
4. berikan 100% oksigen melalui non re-breath mask
5. auskulasi dada, untuk mengetahui adanya infeksi di dada
6. periksa foto thorak


1. kaji denyut jantung, >100 kali per menit merupakan tanda signifikan
2. monitoring tekanan darah, tekanan darah <>
3. periksa waktu pengisian kapiler
4. pasang infuse dengan menggunakan canul yang besar
5. berikan cairan koloid – gelofusin atau haemaccel
6. pasang kateter
7. lakukan pemeriksaan darah lengkap
8. siapkan untuk pemeriksaan kultur
9. catat temperature, kemungkinan pasien pyreksia atau temperature kurang dari 36oC
10. siapkan pemeriksaan urin dan sputum
11. berikan antibiotic spectrum luas sesuai kebijakan setempat.


Bingung merupakan salah satu tanda pertama pada pasien sepsis padahal sebelumnya tidak ada masalah (sehat dan baik).

a. kaji tingkat kesadaran dengan menggunakan AVPU.


Jika sumber infeksi tidak diketahui, cari adanya cidera, luka dan tempat suntikan dan tempat sumber infeksi lainnya.

Tanda ancaman terhadap kehidupan

Sepsis yang berat didefinisikan sebagai sepsis yang menyebabkan kegagalan fungsi organ. Jika sudah menyembabkan ancaman terhadap kehidupan maka pasien harus dibawa ke ICU, adapun indikasinya sebagai berikut:

1. penurunan fungsi ginjal
2. penurunan fungsi jantung
3. hyposia
4. asidosis
5. gangguan pembekuan
6. acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) – tanda cardinal oedema pulmonal.

Shock septic didefinisikan sebagai sesis yang berat dengan tekanan darah sistolik <90>



August 12, 2009

Mencapai Orgasme Ideal

Orgasme bisa dicapai dengan sempurna bila hubungan seks dilakukan oleh pasangan suami istri yang sah. Berdasarkan penelitian, perasaan bersalah atau tempat melakukan hubungan seks kurang nyaman bisa mengurangi kenikmatan seksual itu sendiri. Dari semua penyimpangan hubungan seks, baik pria maupun wanita, kenikmatan yang didapat adalah kenikmatan semu. Bagi pria, mereka hanya mengeluarkan sperma saja (ejakulasi) yang kenikmatannya tidak lebih seperti orang yang sudah ‘kebelet’ buang air kecil, ia menemukan toilet, lalu buang air dengan lega.

Oleh karena itu sumber utama datangnya orgasme adalah adanya hubungan mesra antara suami dan isteri sehari-hari. Suami sebagai kepala keluarga melindungi istri dari segala bentuk gangguan. Memberikan ketentraman jiwa dan raga. Tak lupa pula memberikan nafkah yang cukup. ‘Keperkasaan’ suami (tidak perlu berujud kekuatan fisik) dalam bertanggungjawab dan melindungi anak istrinya akan membuat suasana aman dan nyaman bagi istri. Peran suami yang demikian itu dilakukan karena saying dan cintanya pada istri. Tujuannya adalah satu, yaitu untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang mawaddah dan penuh rahmat Allah. Keberadaan suami yang demikian akan membuat istri menjadi hormat dan saying padanya. Selanjutnya ia akan setia dan pasrah terhadap apa yang akan suami lakukan padanya. Dan istri yang taat setia, selalu menyenangkan bila dipandang, menjaga kehormatan dirinya, harta dan wibawa suami. Istri yang demikian akan membuat suami bertambah saying dan memuliakannya.

Keluarga yang mawaddah dan penuh berkah merupakan sumber utama hubungan mesra suami istri yang sejati. Dan disitulah hubungan seks yang penuh kenikmatan akan dilimpahkan Allah dalam bentuk orgasme yang nikmatnya tiada tara. Orgasme yang sempurna akan didapatkan oleh pasangan suami istri ideal tersebut.

Setelah masalah psikis dalam hubungan kedua suami istri tidak ada, barulah kita bicara masalah teknik pencapaian orgasme tersebut. Artinya tidak banyak gunanya kita berbicara panjang lebar bila dalam hubungan suami istri tersebut masih dirundung masalah dendam, cemburu atau penyakit psikologis lainnya, terlebih bukan hubungan suami istri.

Yang perlu diingat, hubungan seks atau orgasme tidak saja dipengaruhi oleh factor fisik saja, tapi factor psikis juga berperan penting.

Memang masalah orgasme selalu krusial dalam hubungan seks. Patut disadari bahwa tidak semua orang bisa merasakan orgasme dalam berhubungan seks. Jumlah laki-laki yang tidak dapat merasakan orgasme setiap hubungan seks lebih sedikit disbanding wanita. Bahkan boleh dikatakan semua lelaki normal merasakan orgasme tiap mereka berhubungan seks.

Bagi wanita yang sukar mendapatkan orgasme, bisa berkonsultasi kepada dokter atau psikiater. Nasihat mereka sedikit banyak pasti akan membantu.

Dalam usaha mencapai puncak hubungan seks, biasanya pria lebih banyak berperan. Apabila pria tidak bisa mengendalikan diri dan membuat permainan yang disukai keduanya, maka bisa jadi orgasme hanya bisa dinikmati oleh pria saja. Tercapainya orgasme pasangan wanita tergantung pula pada usaha pasangan pria. Karena pria lebih cepat terangsang dan mengalami orgasme. Seringkali suami sudah mengeluarkan sperma, istri belum apa-apa. Jadi, prinsip utamanya adalah suami mampu menahan keluarnya sperma sampai minimal istri orgasme terlebih dahulu. Kalau suami ejakulasi terlebih dahulu, ia akan sulit membangkitkan penisnya. Otomatis kegiatan seks akan terhenti. Padahal istri sedang dalam kondisi ‘naik’ atau hampir mencapai puncak. Yang akhirnya terjadi adalah sang istri kesal dan marah-marah. Dan yang lebih parah, istri kemudian trauma untuk berhubungan seks lagi. Sementara suaminya pun minder karena tidak bisa tahan lebih lama.

Dalam proses berhubungan seks, ada beberapa fase yang terjadi pada masing-masing pasangan. Adalah ideal bila suami dan istri mengalami fase-fase itu secara bersamaan. Saat istri mengalami fase pertama suami juga mengalaminya pada saat itu pula. Demikian pula pada fase kedua dan seterusnya sampai terjadi orgasme. Walaupun tidak mudah mendapatkan hal itu, tak ada salahnya mengetahui fase-fase itu. Barangkali berguna untuk saling mengepaskan fase dalam proses hubungan seks.<<<<<<


Seks Islami 2

Berikut adalah pesanan-pesanan yang berguna buat wanita sebagai isteri, yang berkaitan dengan hal bersulit-sulit dengan suaminya. Ianya dikumpulkan dari punca lisan dan pembacaan:

1. Bertenang Ketika Memulakan Jima
Apabila suami mahu menusukkan zakarnya kedalam faraj isteri, bertenanglah dan sama-samalah dengan suami membaca Bismillah.Ketenangan ini penting bagi penghayatan rasa, dan InsyaAllahisteri akan merasa lebih nikmat dan mudah mencapai kepuasan.Rasulullah s. a. w. sendiri berpesan kepada isteri-isterinya agar bertenang ketika itu. Menurut riwayat Al-Khatib danUmmu Salmah, Rasulullah menutup kepalanya, dan membisikkankepada isterinya engkau dengan tenang.

2. Menghisap Lidah Tanda Menyerah Sepenuhnya
Dari riwayat Abu Daud: Sesungguhnya Rasulullah s. a. w. adamencium Siti Aisyah serta menghisap lisannya (lidahnya). Bukansaja menghisap lidah itu sunat dilakukan ketika berlangsungnyajimak kerana mengikut cara Rasulullah s. a. w., kernalah iajuga akan membantu suami agar tahan jimak dan menghebatkan kenikmatan pada wanita kerana bersatunya nafas, kenikmatanyang dirasa itu berganda hebatnya berbanding jika tidakdilakukan hisapan lidah, malah ia juga adalah tanda bahawaisteri menyerahkan jiwanya dan raganya untuk dijima olehsuaminya. Untuk melakukan ini eloklah isteri menjaga kebersihanmulutnya, begitu jugalah bagi pihak suami.

3. Paling Selesa Berada Di Bawah
Posisi jimak yang terbaik ialah suami berada di atas isteridalam keadaan terlangkup sedang isteri pula terlentang di bawahsuami bagaikan hamparan. Sebuah hadis ada menyebut ertinya: “Anakitu milik yang menjadi hamparan (wanita)”. Posisi inilah yangpaling merehatkan isteri, dan membolehkan isteri menumpukanperhatian kepada rasa kenikmatan. Sekiranya alat kelamin suamiitu besar pun, posisi inilah yang terbaik bagi menampungnya, keranapeha boleh dihamparkan selebar mungkin.

4. Seburuk-buruk Kedudukan Berjima
Posisi jima yang dianggap paling buruk dan segi kesihatan ialahkeadaan dimana isteri berada di atas suami dalam keadaan terlentangsementara suaminya juga baring terlentang. Dengan posisi ini suamiakan memasukkan zakarnya dari arah punggung isterinya. Dan segikesihatan ini dianggap bahaya kerana mani tidak boleh keluar habisdan boleh menyebabkan kerosakan alat kelamin dan boleh mengakibatkan suami mati pucuk juga oleh perubatan moden.

5. Cara Mendapat Anak
Ada petua yang mengatakan bahawa untuk membolehkan isteri mudah hamil, sebelum jima perlulah digeletek dahulu (dirangsang) purananya(kelentit).Dari sudut seksologi moden, perkara ini dianggap karut dan tiada kenamengena dengan kehamilan. Penulis juga bersetuju dengan pendapat modenini, dan berpendapat bahawa rangsangan purana itu lebih bermaknasekiranya suami mahu membangkitkan keghairahan yang tinggi padaisterinya dan salah satu dari jalan memuaskan isteri, dan dari segianak, cara itu lebih memungkinkan isteri mendapat anak lelaki, danini dipersetujui juga oleh perubatan moden.

6. Jima Yang Puas Mengawet Wajah
Menurut Mantak Chia dalam Taoist Secnets of Healing~Banyak bukti yang menunjukkan kaitan antara aktiviti seksual yang harmoni dan awet muda.Seks yang mesra membangkitkan pengeluaran hormon yang bemutu tinggi.Kehadiran hormon-hormon ini di dalam darah impaknya melambatkan prosesmenjadi tua. Jika diperhatikan, wanita yang berkahwin adalah lebih berseri-seri rupanya berbanding dengan wanita yang masih umurnya serupa tetapi belum berkahwin. Pada pendapat penulis, inilah tanda bahawa wanita-wanita yang berkahwin rasa puas dalam berkongsi cinta, dan jiwanya rasa terisi, gembira dan tenang.

7. Mengemut Ketika Buang Air Kecil
Bila buang air kecil, kemutkan faraj agar air kencing tertahan, kemudian lepaskan, ulangi 10 kali sekurang-kurangnya dengan pantas.Dalam masa yang sama, tarik otot-otot perut. Ini menolong mengawal pundi-pundi kencing yang lemah, menguatkan otot-otot kemaluan dan mempertingkatkan tenaga jima

8. Menyusukan Anak Menyempitkan Faraj
Menurut Dr. Edwin Flatto, terdapat hubungan fisiologikal antara payudara dan otot-otot faraj. Wanita yang menyusukan anak bukansaja kurang kemungkinan diserang barah buah dada dan barah rahim,tetapi setiap kali dia menyusukan anak dengan payudaranya, otot faraj akan menguncup. Ini menolong otot faraj untuk kembali mengecil dan tegang seperti sebelum melahirkan.SELAMAT MENCUBA DAN BERIKHTIAR

Segala apa yang dilakukan mempunyai kesan samada serta merta atau berjangka panjang. Pelbagai petua pantang larang telah diajarkan oleh orang-orang tua Melayu bagi menjaga kesihatan tenaga batin.Ia bukan bertujuan mengharamkan yang halal tetapi berupa nasihat hasil dari pengalaman orang-orang terdahulu.

Jangan amalkan minum air batu kerana ia mengakibatkan zakar menjadi sejuk serta lembik dan mengakibatkan batang zakar ngilu bila jima’.Batang zakar harus sentiasa panas.

Jangan makan nasi berulamkan air. Minum air setelah selesai makan nasi, melainkan jika tercekik. Kesannya sama seperti minum air batu. Usah amalkan makan makanan bersifat sejuk atau telah sejuk atau disejukkan. Ia boleh mengakibatkan air mani cair dan terpancut awal.

Jauhi makan makanan yang kuahnya berlinang kerana ia melemahkan zakar.
Jangan terus minum air selepas makan nasi, minum hanya setelah 2 minit suapan terakhir.

Jangan hembus nafas ketika minum, tahani nafas, ini membantu mengelakkan dari mudah lelah ketika jima’.

Elakkan minum air ketika badan sedang panas, selepas berlari atau bekerja berat. Berehatlah terlebih dahulu, sejukkan badan, kemudianbaharulah minum air.

Jangan makan kepak ayam daging kerana ia melemahkan zakar.

Jangan makan nasi sejuk, panaskan dahulu.

Kurangkan dari memakan Pisang Embun.

Elakkan minum air selepas jan 11.00 malam walaupun air panas kerana ia melemahkan otot pinggang dan membawa sengal badan. Elakkan dari buang air ditempat air bertakung, carilah tempat yang kering dahulu kemudian buang air besar. Ini melatih mengawal otot zakar dengan baik.

Jangan amalkan melancap kerana ia memaksa mani keluar dan melemahkan zakar.

Jangan biarkan isteri menindih zakar ketika tidur. Aliran darah yang sempurna amat perlu pada zakar kerana waktu tidur darah menuju zakar, tindihan dari paha dan lutut yang sejuk membantutkan aliran dan melemahkan zakar.

Jika berumur lebih 30 tahun, elakkan dari jima’ lebih dari 3 kali seminggu, kerana perlu cukup masa membina kembali tenaga batin.

Jangan jima’ di dalam air.

Jangan terus minum air selepas jima’, rehat dahulu 15 minit.

Jangan biarkan pinggang terhentak dengan kuat kerana mengakibatkan mati pucuk.

Jangan biarkan zakar terendam begitu lama selepas klimaks.

Jangan jima’ isteri yang sedang haid kerana mendatangkan penyakit.

Jangan cungkil gigi dengan kemuncut (tangkai bunga lalang) kerana ia mengakibatkan zakar jadi ngilu dan kurang bertenaga.

Petua lebih tua dari Ilmu !!!

Pelajari yah,hhh.. c u next time


Seks Islami

Ibnu Qoyyim menjelaskan bahwa dalam persetubuhan (senggama) suami istri terdapat puncak kenikmatan, puncak kasih sayang terhadap pasangannya, pahala, shodaqoh, kesenangan jiwa, hilangnya pikiran-pikiran kotor, hilangnya ketegangan, badan terasa ringan dan bertambah sehat.Pada setiap bagian tubuh mendapat sentuhan kenikmatan. Mata memperoleh kenikmatan dengan memandang pasangannya, telinga mendengar perkataannya, hidung mencium aromanya, mulut mengecupnya dan tangan mengelusnya. Setiap anggota badan mendapat bagian kenikmatan yang dituntutnya. “ [ Raudhatul Muhibbin Taman Orang Jatuh Cinta dan Memendam Rindu, hal 179-180]

Yang namanya masturbasi tuh bukan kenikmatan sejati, tetapi kenikmatan semu saja! Imam Abu Hamid a-Ghazali berkata di dalam Ihya Ulumuddin, Diriwayatkan bahwa suatu hari orang-orang bubar dari majelis Ibnu Abbas, tinggal seorang pemuda yang tidak beranjak dari tempat itu.
Kemudian Ibnu Abbas bertanya kepadanya, “Apakah engkau mempunyai suatu keperluan?

Dia menjawab: “Ya, saya ingin menanyakan suatu masalah, tetapi saya malu kepada orang-orang, dan sekarang saya hendak menanyakannya kepada tuan. Ibnu Abbas berkata, “Sesungguhnya orang alim itu kedudukannya seperti orang tua (ayah), maka apa yang engkau inginkan terhadap ayahmu sampaikanlah kepadaku. Lalu pemuda itu berkata, “Saya adalah seorang pemuda yang tidak mempunyai istri. Kadang-kadang saya takut resiko terhadap diri saya. Kadang-kadang saya melakukan onani (mengeluarkan sperma dengan tangan), maka apakah yang demikian itu termasuk maksiat/pelanggaran?

Ibnu Abbas berpaling darinya, kemudian berkata, “Cis, cis, kawin dengan perempuan budak itu lebih baik daripada onani, namun onani itu lebih baik daripada zina. Maka ini merupakan peringatan bahwa orang Arab yang kuat libidonya (nafsu seksnya) itu menghadapi tiga macam kejelekan. Yang paling ringan adalah mengawini budak perempuan, yang dengan demikian berarti menjadikan anaknya nanti seorang budak. Lebih buruk dari itu adalah melakukan onani, kemudian yang paling buruk adalah zina. Ibnu Abbas tidak mengatakan bolehnya melakukan hal ini secara mutlak, karena dikhawatirkan terjatuh ke dalam perkara yang lebih berat lagi, sebagaimana bersegeranya memberikan keputusan tentang bolehnya makan bangkai karena dikhawatirkan akan membinasakan jiwa (apabila tidak memakannya). Maka memperkenankan yang lebih ringan dari dua perkara itu bukan berarti membolehkannya secara mutlak, juga bukan berarti lebih baik secara mutlak. (Abdul Halim Abu Syuqqah, Kebebasan Wanita jilid 6, Penerbit Gema Insani Press yang mengutip pendapat Ghazali dalam Kitab Ihya Ulumiddin).

Selanjutnya, Ibnu taimiyah berkata di dalam kitab Fatawa-nya, “Onani itu hukumnya haram menurut kebanyakan ulama, dan ini adalah salah satu dari dua riwayat Imam Ahmad, bahkan dikatakan yang paling jelas. Sedangkan menurut satu riwayat (dari beliau), hukumnya adalah makruh. Akan tetapi, apabila timbul goncangan dalam jiwa yang bersangkutan, misalnya ia khawatir terjatuh ke dalam perbuatan zina jika tidak melakukan onani, atau khwatir jatuh sakit, maka dalam hal ini terdapat dua macam pendapat ulama. Dalam hal ini beberapa golongan ulama salaf dan khalaf memberikan kemurahan (memperbolehkannya), sedangkan sebagian lainnya melarangnya.” (Ibid, mengutip dari Ibnu Taimiyah dalam Majmu fatawa).

Syekh Ali Thanthawi dalam kitabnya Shuwarwa Khawathir, di celah-celah penolakannya terhadap salah seorang pemuda yang merasa payah (menderita) karena tekanan nafsu seksnya. Beliau berkata, “Jika seseorang sengaja melakukan onani, yang meskipun keburukannya palng kecil dan mudharatnya paling ringan di antara tiga macam kejelekan, tetapi kalau melampui batas maka ia dapat menimbulkan kesedihan dalam hati dan penyakit dalam tubuh, dan menjadikan pelakunya yang masih muda tampak menjadi tua, gundah dan beringas, yang menyebabkan orang lain lari dan takut kepadanya, dan dia sendiri takut menghadapi kehidupan dan beban-bebannya.” Dalam kitab tersebut beliau juga berkata, “Saya tidak menyerukan onani, tetapi saya menetapkan hakikat yang ditetapkan oleh banyak dokter ahli, dan secara garis besar pendapat ini disetujui oleh banyak dokter ahli, dans ecara garis besar pendapat ini disetujui oleh fuqaha-fuqaha golongan Hanafiyah.

“Wahai segenap Kaum Muda! Barang siapa di antara kalian sudah mempunyai kemampuan maka hendaklah dia menikah, karena menikah lebih dapat menundukkan pandangan dan lebih dapat memelihara kemaluan. Dan barang siapa yang belum mampu, maka hendaklah dia berpuasa karena puasa merupakan perisai baginya.” (HR Bukhari)

Heheh masalahnya sekarnag yang saya hadapai adalah anak-anak SMA, ga mungkin banget klo saya nyaranin buwat nikah, so banyakin puasa n libatin diri dalam kegiatan yang positif. Masih banyak hal yang bisa dikerjakan untuk sebuah kerja besar, Dakwah!. Saya teringat akan tausiyahnya Ustdzah Munawaroh, Istri Ust Falah, duluw para aktivis ga kepikiran untuk nikah mud, dikarenakan karena aktivitas antara ikhwan dan akhwat kala itu sangat terjaga, jarak ngomongnya aja hampir 1 meter. Kondisinya sangat berbeda dengan kondisi sekarang, sehingga tak aral banyak aktivis kampus terkena VMJ. Duw-duw klo dicermati benar juga yak. Hal yang kita lakukan sekarang adalah bagaimana kita bisa menghijabi diri sendiri, ga hanya fisik tapi juga pikiran kita. So energy yang tersisa dari kita-kita para pemuda tak tersedot untuk hal-hal yang ga perlu, bahkan hal-hal yang dilarang agama. Azzamkan diri niatkan secara pasti, yakin Alloh berada di belakang kita untuk selalu tersenyum kepada kita dengan proses kita untuk menjadi insan yang lebih baik dan mulia (karimaa).

“Sesungguhnya Allah mencintai orang-orang yang bertaubat dan mencintai orang-orang yang mensucikan diri.” (Qs Al-Baqarah: 222)


Bumbui Aksi Foreplay dengan Petting

TAMPIL bugil menjadi akhir dari cerita indah Anda dan pasangan di ranjang. Namun nyatanya, tidak semua wanita ingin terburu-buru menuntaskan setiap aksi liar pasangannya. Terutama saat melucuti masing-masing pakaian.

Menurut Redbookmag, setiap wanita ingin berlama-lama menikmati aksi panas yang dilancarkan pasangannya. Wanita berharap aksi tersebut tidak berlalu begitu saja.

Konon, wanita lebih membutuhkan waktu foreplay lebih lama ketika bergumul dengan pasangannya. Berbeda dengan pria yang seringkali terkesan terburu-buru ingin menuntaskan pergumulan dengan intercourse.

Di sinilah tantangan yang harus pria hadapi untuk senantiasa memberikan kesan baik kepada pasangannya. Pria harus mengetahui aturan main selama berhubungan seksual. Tidak hanya mengenal suasana hati pasangan sedang mood atau tidak. Tetapi juga dituntut kreatif untuk menambah bumbu bercinta pada saat foreplay berlangsung.

Anda bisa melakukan petting terlebih dahulu sebelum melucuti satu per satu pakaian yang pasangan kenakan. Sentuhan serta cumbuan lembut pada bagian vital wanita bisa meninggalkan sensasi tersendiri.

Petting merupakan aktivitas seksual untuk memberi kode bahwa seseorang ingin melanjutkan ke hubungan yang lebih intim. Tetap mengenakan busana lengkap sembari saling meraba dan bercumbu disinyalir bisa membuat hasrat Miss V-nya menyala.

Bila pasangan terlihat menikmati setiap sentuhan dan cumbuan Anda, maka disitulah Anda dapat mulai melucuti pakaiannya satu per satu.

"Wanita paling menikmati aksi spontan pria melucuti pakaiannya. Terlebih lagi pakaian dalam mereka. Di mana pria bisa memainkan jari-jemari tangannya untuk mengelus setiap bagian kulit tubuh wanita," ujar sex coach Patti Britton, Ph.D.(nov) (nsa)>>>

Ini emang penting banget bro,, kalo kamu semua pengen ahli dalam hal foreplay,, nih ada tipsnya

1. tonton film bokep (not recomended) tapi kalo udah gag tahan ya udah copy ajah dari warnet2, temen2 lo, trus tonton tuh film,,, atau cari dinternet,,, gue jamin lo pasti ahli,,, tapi resiko gag di tanggung yah,,,

2. Baca buku kamasutra... beda dengan tawasutra loh ya :-)

3. Recomended>>> belajar secara islami,,,, banyak kitab2 islamyang mengajarkan hal ini bro

4. Tanya pada temen, sudara, yang udah nikah gimana sih rasanya,,, hehehe gag usah malu,,, asal jangan tanya pada bokap or kakek lo aja kaleee.....

udah ah.... kapan2 dilanjut yah


"mr.P" besar bikin puas??

BANYAK pria meyakini ukuran Mr P besar jaminan mendapat kenikmatan yang besar pula. Bahkan, bukan tak mungkin akan membuat wanita puas bercinta. Benarkah?

Berdasarkan rangkaian sejarah, kesusastraan, dan kedokteran yang diakui suatu bangsa maya, hasrat memiliki Mr P besar untuk kaum pria sudah berlangsung sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu. Dari bangsa Egypt, Roman, Phoenician, atau Victorian.

Karena itu, banyak pria yang melakukan banyak cara untuk membuat Mr P lebih besar. Dari mencukur bulu halus di sekitar penis untuk menciptakan ilusi bahwa Mr P-nya besar hingga menyuntikkan lemak ke area genitalnya itu.

Menyuntik Mr P dengan lemak, disinyalir dapat membuatnya tampak lebih besar. Namun, efek ini hanya berhasil empat sampai lima bulan saja.

"Suntikan lemak pada Mr P dapat membuat Mr P jadi lebih bengkak. Tapi, cara ini hanya memberikan efek sesaat. Bila sudah lebih dari lima bulan, bentuknya akan kembali seperti semula," ujar Sexologist, Dr Elna McIntosh.

Mengapa pria merasa sangat tertarik untuk membuat Mr P-nya besar? Ternyata, jawabannya masih jadi misteri.

"Mungkin Anda juga termasuk pria yang berpikiran pasangan akan lebih bahagia jika Mr P Anda sangat besar. Itu merupakan mitos yang tidak benar," papar McIntosh.

Saat berhubungan intim, masih menurut McIntosh, wanita tidak hanya fokus pada Mr P. Ciuman, pelukan, sentuhan ketika bercinta dapat membuat wanita orgasme, meski tanpa intercourse.

"Kelebihan beberapa sentimeter dalam ukuran Mr P Anda bukan menjadi suatu persoalan di mata pasangan," katanya.

"Menurut saya, hasrat memiliki Mr P besar di mata pria merupakan suatu bentuk dari keinginan lain. Agar dapat lebih percaya diri ketika beraksi di ranjang. Di benak pria, dengan Mr P besar, bisa memuaskan pasangannya," sambung McIntosh.

Banyaknya pria yang berusaha membuat besar Mr P-nya ternyata telah menjamur di setiap pelosok negeri. Meski begitu, McIntosh menyarankan kepada pria untuk belajar mengetahui dirinya sendiri dengan baik.

"Sebaiknya jangan tergubris dengan mitos Mr P besar lebih dapat memberi kepuasaan pada wanita. Bersikap percaya diri dengan Mr P yang dimiliki. Dan mengetahui titik erotis yang dimiliki Mr P dapat memberi kepuasan seks yang tak kalah hebatnya," tandas McIntosh.

Kalu menurut gue se besar ato gak mr "P" kamu gak jadi masalah, asal kamu pandai-pandai memainkan emosi kamu dalam bercinta, itu yang paling penting bro...

dan satu lagi,, banyakin olah raga biar kamu makin oke diranjang... hehehe,,,

satu lagi,,,banyakin minum air putih biar sirkulasi metabolisme kamu lancar,,,

satu lagi,,,, (cape deh dari tadi satu trus),,, :-) suasana pada saat bercinta juga penting loh,,,,


July 17, 2009

3 Ways to Make Quick Money Online

here are numerous ways to make extra income online that can potentially turn into a full time income.

1) Let's begin with associated content. Associated content this is where you write articles for companies to promote their products. They pay anywhere from $3 to $40 per article. It usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour to produce an article. If you can write one a day after work your looking at an extra $350 a month. Imagine if you wrote 2 or 3 a day, and that's just part time.

2) Another way to make fast cash is through Cash Crate. This is a site that pays you to take surveys. They may pay anywhere from a dollar to possibly a hundred dollars, just for you to take a survey.
Large corporations find it most profitable to pay consumers to take surveys about products that have just come out on the market or haven't even hit the market yet.

3) The third way is through Forum Booster. This is a website that pays you $0.10 for each post you make on a forum. Depending on how fast you type, you could post 4-10 posts an hour. Imagine sitting in the comfort of your own home making extra money posting on forums.

There are several ways to make quick cash on the internet. These are just to name a few. Go to Google and research the three ways I just shared with you. No, it's not substantial money, but it is quick. Just remember, this is no such thing as a get rich quick miracle. It takes effort.

Overall there are tons of ways to make money quickly online. These are just a few samples of how to make money online. Maverick Money Makers provides video training on several ways to make a substantial about of money online.

Maverick Money Makers will teach you how to build a six-figure a month business on the internet.


Tips and Tricks of a Google Money Master

Currently there are hundreds of thousands of people looking for ways to make money online. If you look up the number of searches being done in search engines you will see the enormous amounts that have to do with starting an online business and ultimately becoming a Google money master.

The problem with this strategy of randomly looking for help on the internet is that there are tons of companies that rely on this kind of uneducated stream of traffic to make their money. They do not really care about providing the best information available or with providing long term customer support. All they care about is using their promises of a Google treasure chest to turn a quick buck.

This is why it is important to learn the real tips and tricks that businesses are using to turn a profit online. Once you learn these you will see that making money online is a matter of learning a few skills and applying a lot of hard work to making them work. The first thing that you want to focus on and something that is the underlying factor to any successful online business is internet traffic.

Once you have a steady flow of traffic to your website the majority of your work is done. When you have customers and visitors all you have to do is learn how to sell them something that they want. The actually difficult part is learning how to attract customers to your website. This is what separates a Google money master from an internet novice.

The first step that you want to take when going after large amounts of internet traffic is to do some keyword research. This lets you know the popular terms that people are searching, whether it be for information, shopping, services, or entertainment. If you can provide answers to these people's needs then you have cracked the major secret to making it online without the help of any Google treasure chest.

Now the main thing that you want to consider is levels of competition and the type of competitors that are in the niche you are considering. In this step you want to use common sense, you obviously don't want to be competing in a niche where the content is dominated by news sources, university publications, or government sponsored info. The reason for this is that competing directly with these types of sources is incredibly difficult and unless you plan on matching the amount of money they have invested in their business then you better avoid these areas.

However, part of being a Google money master is to know how to find niches with low competition and high dollar customers. This will ensure that you will be making money without breaking the bank to get your customers. One tell tale sign of how popular a niche is to see how many people are paying to advertise for those keywords. If you see that people are fighting over who gets to pay to advertise then you can bet ranking organically for these terms will be just as difficult. So remember to do your research before you jump in.


I Need Money Now! How Can I Make Money Online Fast?

I don't think there is any feeling worse then needing money. It just really sucks when you can't pay your bills on time, your bank account is overdrawn and you have no idea how your going to afford to put gas in your car to make it to work the next day. Been there, done that so I know what your going through. But not to worry, with this article I am going to show you a simple method can bring in $1000 in 24 hours or less online.

Now by simple I don't mean there will be no work involved. Quite the opposite. There is work involved, so if you are looking for a quick fix that requires no work on your part then I can't help you. But if your looking for a proven step by step system that you can use to bring in money whenever you want, then read on.

The most important thing you need to understand here is if you really need money fast you will have to take massive action. No excuses. They will lead you to absolutely no where. So take what you learn in this article and put it to use.

OK, so this is how you can make money online fast. First thing you need to do is find a problem that needs to be solved. People get online everyday looking for solutions to their problems. If you can provide them with a solution you will make money.

Some great examples of problems that people have are loosing weight, getting rid of acne, stopping snoring, curing yeast infection and the list goes on and on. Everyone of those are very profitable markets. Let's say you chose to focus on loosing weight. As you know millions of people get online everyday looking for ways to drop weight fast.

If you can put together a short 6-10 page report showing them how to do that you will make a ton of money. Information products sell like crazy online. They are easy to put together and the profit margin is huge. You can sell your short report for just $5 and sell just 200 copies to make $1000.

Stop saying you can't do this because you can. Would you rather go look for a second job or would your rather write a simple short report that can be making you money years from now? I would go with option B.

Remember, you can write your short report about anything. Just make sure it solves a problem. Just think about all of the things you know how to do and come up with a short report. Don't over think it or make it harder then it has to be. Your goal is to get your short report online so you can start making money as quickly as possible.


How to Get Money From Google With Zero Investment!

To get money from Google, first you will need something to sell. The easiest way is to promote someone else's product and get a commission for the sales. That way, you don't have to ship products and you don't have to do customer service. We call this: Affiliate marketing.

So for instance, you join an affiliate program to promote an e-book: "how to stop your dog from barking". The product costs $45, and you earn $30 per sale. (This is realistic, a lot of programs like that exist).

Second, you will need to get a website.. Or wait, I said zero investment, right? ;)

I am just kidding, you don't even need a website. You can easily make a free page on sites like (they are owned by Google by the way),,, etc. There are a lot of those sites that look great, and you can make your page there for free. You call the site "" or something like that, and you provide a link to the sales page that you are promoting.

A very cool thing about those sites is: Google loves them. So most of the time, within one day your new, free money making webpage will show up in Google search results! You can just check by Googling for "dog barking solutions".

But unfortunately it won't be on first page yet.. And to really get money from Google, you need to rank on the first page of search results, so people will actually click on your link and buy the product you are promoting.

So we have the page set up, and it shows up in Google (somewhere on page 9 or so). Now how are we going to get it to that magical first page?

Simple. We rinse and repeat.

The most important factor for getting a good ranking in search results nowadays, is the number of links pointing to your webpage. So we just make more free pages like the first one.. Exept this time, we don't link to the sales page that we are promoting.. We link to the "" page that we made!

So every day you write an article in 30 minutes or an hour at most, make a new free webpage, and link to the first page you made. Usually within a few weeks, but within two months at most (depending on the level of competition) you will have the result you were after: Money from Google with zero investment!

If you want to try this system and really knock it out of the park, there is some secret software that will automate the entire process for you, and more.. This is very hush-hush stuff, but I know they are giving out free one-week-trials at the moment I am writing this.


Easy Ways to Make Money Online Real Fast

The task of making money can hardly be categorized as an easy one, but when you add the right ingredients in the mix you can certainly make it a lot easier. There are realistic ways to approach the online business arena that can empower your entrepreneurial drive and put you on the right track to make money fast. This does not mean you can afford to be reckless, on the contrary, your feet must always remain on the ground and your focus and determination strong. So what ways can enable you to easily make money online?

The internet has almost unlimited opportunities for business, but among the most effective I can count:

1. Internet or affiliate marketing; and
2. Forex trading

Internet or affiliate marketing has three distinctive advantages:
a) You need little to no money to start.
b) Its dynamics are pretty easy to understand and master.
c) It can grow fast and it can grow big.

Bottom line, this is a way to make money online you can successfully tackle even if you are broke and you know nothing about it, provided of course that you add to the mix the only thing that matters in this business: some of your time to learn and build it.

Believe me, nothing can be easier, which does not mean it will not involve some work on your part, it will, it is a business, not some black hat trick, period. However, it does not get any easier than that.

As for forex trading goes, this is also a way to make money online that can be very easy, because your job so to speak will consist in trading foreign currency, which nowadays basically involves clicking on a mouse.

However, as simple as it sounds it is not that simple, it can be, but that will depend on how you decide to approach this business. If you try to guess your way into trading the forex market you will get hurt.

This and any other form of trading involves a risk, so the secret to making it not only easy but actually possible to make money out of forex trading is by being prepared, well prepared with quality education and trading tools.

If you have this, then you are on the right path to making easy money, because if you achieve consistency within the forex market you can quickly grow a small investment into a small fortune.


How to Start a Money Making Online Business

The internet has revolutionized our lives in so many ways and one of the most profound impacts has been felt in the field of business. More and more businesses are internet based and rely on the internet for sustainability and profitability. Indeed, there are numerous businesses available on the internet and you may want to start an online business and get into the action arena. However, remember that there are numerous get rich quick schemes on the internet so be extra careful to avoid any sort of scam in whatever internet business you may want to set up.

Starting point in setting up an online business is to figure out what business you wish to engage in. Perhaps you've been having a business idea for a while now and have gathered enough information to get you started. On the other hand, you may not know an awful lot about the business yet are passionate about it. In which case, you'll have to conduct some thorough research to equip you with more knowledge on your online business.

Once you have your business activity figured out, you need to set up a website as this will primarily be the arena through which business activities take place. In setting up a website, you'll have to first identify a domain name for your business as well as select a web host for your online business name. You'll find it helpful for promotional purposes if you select a domain name that closely reflects the nature of your specific business.

While still on website matters, you'll then move on to designing your site so that it richly and clearly reflects whatever online business you have embarked on. The layout of your site is very critical as it can exercise a direct force in repelling visitors from investigating the site further or actually succeed in drawing visitors which is what you want. Make sure that your site content is informative yet concise as many people don't want to get bogged down with heavy reading, especially if it is a site regarding business. Also be sure to include relevant links to other sites in your site so that people can explore for more information.

Include promotional and marketing opportunities on your site so that you remain linked to a wider network, which is what the internet is all about. Besides, whatever online business you set up, you can always do with extra cash from ads and affiliate programs.

Sarah is a stay at home mother of six children. She is married to Kevin LaBiche and is a christian woman who believes God is and should be the center of her world. Kevin and Sarah have a growing business called "The Profit Center." They work together as a team. Sarah believes in team work that if people work together they can achieve their goals much faster.


Four Methods to Make Extra Money Online Successfully

Many individuals today are struggling with declining income or even loss of a job that is a major part of the household income. These are the individuals who want to make extra money online in order to boost the standard of living. Sometimes it takes a second income source just to survive the increasing prices on everything from food to housing. Sometimes additional income is desirable so that the wage earner is able to afford a few minor luxuries. A night out on the town or a new CD is typical entertainment choices when there is a little extra money to spend.

Survey Completion

A favorite way to make extra money online is by completing surveys for payment. Many companies choose to find information about their product reception by commissioning people to complete surveys about the product and experiences with it. Completion of surveys is a good choice if you want to do your income earning in short bursts. A survey may take only a few minutes to complete. Of course, you can also choose to finish lengthier or in depth surveys that take longer, but also pay more. Completing surveys doesn't require experience or a college degree, just a commitment to answering questions about a product truthfully.

Freelance Writing

In order to make extra money online, you can take advantage of sites that pay for writing or other types of freelance work. Freelance projects include writing content rich articles for web pages. Web masters are always on the lookout for material to add interest and information to their web sites. If the materials are search engine optimized, they are even more valuable to web page owners. Articles can also be prepared and submitted to article directories for a source of income through sale of the articles.

Pay Per Click Programs

Pay per click programs are yet another way to make extra money online. These programs provide a method whereby the individual places small inexpensive ads on behalf of a company or business. The business pays a fee for each time a searcher clicks on the ad. The ads are linked to the parent company. Payments vary according to the keywords utilized in the small ads. Some strong and common keywords can be quite expensive to purchase, while others are less costly, but still provide a good supplementary income. The PPC programs cost a minimum fee to begin and can be built up to earn sizable monies for the originator.


Transcription of various audio files into a document form is a profitable way to make extra money online. The audio files are provided over the internet. The transcribe listens to the audio file information and types it into a standardized format and returns it to the originator. It is important to be able to spell correctly and to understand standard punctuation and phrasing so that the finished document is understandable and easy to read. These files to be transcribed can be medical records, legal documents or training materials and interviews.


Guide on How to Make Tons of Real Money Online

The internet now is known as a wealth of information. It comes with updated details about anything you want to know.

Writing articles or content is not that simple. You need some extra effort to become successful. If you have the talent in writing, build them on net. Tell the world all the things you know. You can make money online out of it.

Why do people use to search on net? Most of them are looking for a solution. They are looking for the how, when, why, where and what. Knowing the usual needs of the people is an advantage and developing an original and valuable content pertaining to their needs would gain you good exposures.

Your content is nothing without the right people reading them. For instance, your article is about business, promoting them should always from the people with that kind of interest. Acquiring a set of individuals with the same interest can build you traffic. How to gain traffic online should be practiced and maintained. Traffic is important in online business. You need more of it to become fortunate. You need people to grow your business.

Building trust and confidence, viewers will lead back to your site. Your passion is the key to acquire good exposures. Sell what you know and what they need to know. Relevant and original information should be considered. Delivering it in your own style and voice attract your readers more.

Convert now your visitors into clients. Your site visitors can be your future customers. They are the people you can count on for your business to flourish. This is called monetizing. But monetizing your website can't materialize if you failed building good content, building trust and confidence and producing huge traffic.

To become successful in the business is what business people desire. Advice from those people who know best should always be considered. Hard work, patience and discipline must be acquired. Knowing and applying the qualities of successful business people is beneficial.


Online Income - Beyond the Hype - A Step by Step Guide

Quick and easy money online is what everyone seems to be looking for these days.Hardly surprising given the number of people out of work and general state of the economy. But apparently for every 100 people who try to develop an online income - 99 will fail.

Why is that? I think because the barriers to entry to an online business are so low few people actually think before they get involved. Here's a step by step guide which may give you a better shot at being in the top 1%

1. Realize that you are starting a business. Just because you don't need to go out and lease a shop and a vehicle and get a bank loan, people miss this point. You still need to think about planning you business, and how you are going to fund your living expenses until the business starts turning a profit.

2. Realize that to make money you are going to have to sell. Not having selling skills was my single biggest handicap when I started out. The good news is that you don't have to be cold calling to make money online, but you do need to understand something about buyer behavior and copywriting.

3. Decide what business model you are going to focus on initially. There is an almost infinite number of things that you can sell online - everything form children's toys on eBay to high-end cameras on Amazon, hotel rooms in Las Vegas and "How to Cure Gout" eBooks on Clickbank. You need to pick one method and stick with it for a while. Then you need to diversify to other options - but sticking with a single method at the start is a good way to avoid information overload.

4. Learn how to attract search engine traffic to your website. This is the key to your business - without buyers you are nothing. Without motivated buyers you are still nothing. Getting a whole lot of visits from Stumbleupon or Digg, is nice, but those visitors won't buy from you. Instead focus on learning enough SEO so that you can get motivated searchers to your site.

5. Don't give up. It takes a while and its said that many people quit just before they succeed. For months you may only make $100, then suddenly your income will double, and double again - its exponential the growth, when it comes. As you learn more you will get better and finding money-making opportunities, and also your sites will get more trusted by the search engines, that results in not an incremental improvement in your online income - but an exponential one!


Success Tips of an Online Money Making Business

The internet has become the daily market place for the general population, everything from cloths, groceries, holidays and even foreign currency is traded on the internet. It has made it possible for almost anybody to start an online business from which there are many success stories. For anybody venturing into an online business it is important to do a research plan and but every business that you look at through the process. Never invest in any online business without first looking at the target niche of that business, if the business has room for growth and what sort of return on investment you can expect. Always make informed decisions and don't fall for the get rich overnight scam it simply will not happen overnight. There is plenty of money to be made through the internet but one must find the right program and treat it exactly like you would any other business.

It is important to consider ones strengths, weaknesses and interests when identifying the online business that meets the criteria. Everybody is given certain attributes in life to which they excel and it is important to utilize these attributes in any business opportunity. Success will come to those far easier if they are interested in, and apply their strengths to tasks that must be undertaken in business.

Online businesses must have a marketing plan to succeed on the internet. The simple fact is if you don't have a marketing plan that works nobody will find the business. It is equally important to review the marketing methods that are used and eliminate the ones that don't perform, this will save money in the long term and free up money for the methods that do work. Time and money are both factors that need a great deal of scrutiny and should be planed wisely, write a business plan and stick to it and asses to see if it is working regularly.

Web presence is everything online and should be budgeted for. The key to a good website is for it to be user friendly, a customer should find it very easy to navigate and feel secure when making payments. Not all you customers will have good internet knowledge and it is these customers that you should aim your website at. Many businesses spend thousands of dollars developing their websites which I feel is totally unnecessary. It might be a good idea to outsource this particular job to a freelancer as they will get you the best deal and know what you need.

Successful marketing is the only way forward for any online business. Many companies delegate huge amounts of their budget to this sector in marketing their products and services. If you take some of the household names of business today, you must realize that they would have started from somewhere and nobody would have known about them unless they had marketed themselves successfully.

Putting together a marketing campaign is something that must be done with great care. Many people make the mistake of writing a quick advert and putting it on a pay per click service and expecting the money to come rolling in. This in fact will probably cost you dearly and the traffic that you receive will not be of that good a quality. In the first instant it is always wise to seek advice from an already established marketer that has a proven record of success and simply copy what they have done.

There are plenty of low cost and free marketing methods on the internet to get you started on your campaign. When starting out it is important to take the attitude that your marketing campaign is going to be a consistent effort of writing articles and making videos to place on high traffic websites. Using this form of free marketing will not create instant success but will eventually drive an endless stream of highly targeted traffic to your website.

These marketing campaigns will let you bring your online business closer to your target market. Marketing is an important tool to make your business succeed. No matter how beautiful a website your online business has or how good a product or service you have got, if your target market cannot find your online business, then it will be a painful experience for you.


Business Online Advantages and Disadvantages

Increasingly, more people own or are growing their businesses online with varying degrees of success. It is important for internet entrepreneurs to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of doing business online as this knowledge will empower them to make the right decisions and implement the correct strategies if they do go ahead and start a business on the internet. Below are the main advantages and disadvantages of running an online business.


Start-up costs are relatively cheaper than bricks and mortar businesses. Some business-in-a-box programs cost as little as $400, some even cheaper. If you are setting up your own website with your business plan you may only need to pay for a domain name and web hosting which would cost you less than $100. Even for the most expensive opportunities, they are still way cheaper than other businesses. The top scale start up costs for internet business could be $20k, which might seem expensive but when compared with businesses like the MacDonald's franchise which cost over a quarter of a million dollars, then it puts things into better perspective. Operational costs and administrative expenses are also relatively lower than other businesses with little or no staff required. Many internet entrepreneurs work from home which means that expenses like lighting and heating and office expenses which would normally be incurred in an office block, are saved. Running a business online gives great flexibility. This is because the business can be run from anywhere. An entrepreneur could be on the beach on holiday with her family and still be running her business normally. This flexibility helps the entrepreneur does as she pleases with her time. She may decide to work between 12 midnight and 6 am if that is her most productive hours. Online businesses can reap the rewards of free and cheap advertising, through videos, article marketing and social marketing. Even with more expensive advertising options like pay per click, due to the number of Internet users, to potential to grow your business is very high especially if you can effectively drive traffic to your website.


Competition is high as increasingly people are becoming switched on to the advantages of running an online business and also more technology savvy and are growing their businesses. The number of people starting a business online is increasing at high levels and they are all competing for traffic which makes it harder to break through. The Internet is a very dynamic marketplace. Consumer tastes vary widely and change frequently. Therefore, by focusing on one business idea or income stream, the entrepreneur risks being left behind by new products and services as consumers chase the next best product or service. Even when the entrepreneur has a winning business model, competitors can easily copy it and therefore impact negatively on profits. Getting to grips with technology to sustain competitive advantage can be a limiting factor especially if the entrepreneur depends on himself and hires no staff. This disadvantage can be overcome by either outsourcing or employing staff full time or on contract basis. It may take time for the business to get off the ground as the entrepreneur builds his online presence and if the business is not run properly cash flow problems may hinder the success of the business. It is important that the marketing and other costs are very carefully budgeted for over a period to take into account the possibility that profits may take a while to materialise. Running an online business is empowering and can be profitable. A lot of these businesses fail because entrepreneurs are not mindful of the advantages and disadvantages and have not planned accordingly. While it is relatively easier and cheaper to start and grow an online business than a traditional bricks and mortar business, that advantage can also be an advantage as competitors enjoy the same benefits.


Ideas For Learning to Make Money Online

Do you want to make money online? There are many ways to make money online. Some are good, some are scams, and some won't get you very far. Here we will discuss a couple of common ways that you can use the Internet to earn money.

First, stay away from any program asks you to pay a fee up front. These are most likely scans. The only time you should spend money online to make money as if you are building a business and need to purchase software, hosting, domains, etc.

Get paid to sites great way to make money online. Stay away from sites where you get paid to read e-mails because you will not make much of anything from these. Also, they had the minimum payout so high that it will never be able to get paid. You sites where you get paid to fill out surveys and complete offers. You will not be able to quit your job on this, but you can make some extra cash. Also, make sure you do it with a company that has many members and has been around for at least a year or more.

A final late to make money is to write articles and sell them. You can sell articles to individual webmasters or you can write for large websites such as or With these, you can often get paid upfront a certain amount for your articles and also get paid for every so many views. This is a good way to make a little cash on the side.


Money Making Ideas From Home

So your looking for money making ideas from home eh? Who wouldn't want to spend all day at home with their families and be able to make their own hours? I, for one, am all for it! So why don't I show you some of the options that are available.

1. Online Surveys - Most people don't believe these to be legitimate money making ideas but you actually can fill out an online survey and get paid to do it. I have made up to $2 for one survey so it does actually work. The problem with filling out surveys is that there are very few that will pay even two dollars and it takes about 30min to fill one out. I don't know about you but I can't quit my day job for $4 an hour so don't expect to make a full time living filling out surveys.

2. Paid to.. - You have probably gotten some e-mails that tell you that tell you that can get paid to shop or paid to drive. Don't bother with these offers, they really will not give you what they claim. My advice? Just delete them and unsubscribe.

3. Affiliate Marketing - This is, in my opinion, the best of the money making ideas from home. What is it? Basically you promote other peoples stuff online via different advertising methods. If someone purchases the product via your advertising then you get a commission of the sale. This method of making money online is the only sustainable option of the 3 in this article. You can literally make a full time living selling other peoples stuff online. I know this because I have been making money this way so I know it works.

With Everybody online promoting the next best thing to make you money online I hope you will take my advice and stick with Affiliate Marketing and don't waste your time with the others.


How to Earn a Living by Working in a Small Business Online

There are many offers of jobs that you can do from home and earn money through. But if you have gone though these offers then you would have realized that a lot of these are scams as they promise millions of dollars overnight. Earning so much money is not possible through any job, but you can definitely earn a living by working in a small business online.

Before you start looking for that work online to earn money, you must remember that all small businesses take time and need hard work. There are no shortcuts to earning huge amounts of money without working hard. There is no way you can earn money sitting at home unless you pay that money to someone else first. Small businesses take just as much time and work as your current job to grow and develop. Once you realize this, you must go out and look for a reliable company on the internet. Try searching the company name on the internet to gather more information about it. Check out the search engine and if the company has been committing any fraud, you will be able to know all about it on the internet.

Websites like, or have regular advertisements and listings from reputed companies. They too have scams, but this is where you will find good jobs from good companies. These sites though do not have a very large list of jobs that can be performed from home. In order to find a larger list of jobs that can be performed online, you need to go to some of the freelancing sites on the internet.

These freelancing sites will allow you to bid on them for projects. In the beginning you might have to work very hard at jobs that pay less. But once you have made some money, you can build your own website and with it you can also hike your rates. At higher rates, you definitely will be able to earn even more money. There is a lot of money to be made online. All you need to know is where to look and avoid scams.


Open PAYPAL Account

PAYPAL account is very important for online biz. we should have this account to run our business. paypal usually use for transfer our money that had we got on the net, ok let's check this out to open paypal account :

visit paypal site>>>

Under New User? click Sign up

Click Personal Account and choose your country, then click Continue
Fill in the fields, then click Sign up

This will take you to a screen that says “Account Sign Up”. This screen will explain the next steps to you.

You’ll receive an e-mail at the address you provided when you filled in your personal information. That e-
mail will contain a link back to PayPal. You’ll need to verify your e-mail address and password by clicking on this link.

Click Confirm

How to verify our account? the secure way to verify is using VCC. you can visit :

in this site you can buy VCC to verify your paypal account

Link PayPal to Your Bank Account

After entering your password, your e-mail will be confirmed and
you can now set up your bank account.

You will need your bank name and your bank routing number and account number. The routing number is usually the first number on your check, and is usually a nine-digit number. Click Add Bank Account. Paypal will make two small deposits (a few cents) to your account. In 2-3 business days, check your
account and note the amounts of the deposits from “”. Log in to your PayPal account and click
the Confirm Bank Account link on your Account Overview page.
Enter the exact amounts and your bank account will become confirmed and click Continue. This takes you to the Account Overview page.
That’s it! You’ve opened a PayPal Account! You can now pay for online purchases electronically
through your checking account, without using a credit card. If you have questions about this process, you can access 24-hour help through PayPal.

after we have PAYPAL account, so the next step is fill our paypal with online biz.

see you on the next,,, Happy earning :-)


July 11, 2009

How to Starting Make Money Online

Make money online now is very popular, many people try to get money from internet. But mostly people difficult to understand the way to make money online, like business in the real world, there are many ways to getting money form internet. some body says that make money online it's very easy. There are many site offering product to getting rich in a short time,... Actually make money online need sacrifice of us, we must work hard,learning every day and the important things are my intention for running in online biz. Oke enough for the Intermezzo....

For the first time to make money online You May/should have :

1.Local Bank Account

It's very important for you. it's use for transaction and receive your money that have collected. For Indonesian people you can use MANDIRI or BCA, both of them have supported internet banking for us. For Mandiri minimum first time deposit is Rp. 50.00, in BCA minimum first time deposit Rp. 500.000.

2. PAYPAL ACCOUNT - Integrated with our Local Bank
what is Paypal? it's universal online bank for us,you should have this account if you want make money online seriously, with paypal we can deposit or withdrawal our many, Paypal now support Indonesian bank, and many bank of the world.

3. Alertpay Account
it's same with paypal,,, commonly its use for PTC (Paid to Click) business

4. Liberty Reserve Account
it's very important E-currency for Foreign Exchange trading (Forex/falas)


June 01, 2009

Fast Ways to Make Money Online - Hints and Tips

The internet offers myriads of ways to make money fast. Efficient online marketing tactics ensure a steady income flow for a long time.

The best way to make money now-a-days is the internet. You can earn a considerable amount of money online and all that you need is to have is your bank account ready to receive the money. Here are a couple of tips on fast ways to make money online.

When you have a website, the first important thing you need to do is take steps to increase site traffic. This way more people will click your site's ads and this way you can enhance your earnings. If you are looking for fast ways to make money online, having high site traffic is the most important thing.

One way of increasing site traffic is by sending email newsletters to thousands of receivers. There are lots of email newsletters marketing services available and these are really low-cost services. Crate an email newsletter with the right kind of promotional content, so that you draw your intended audience towards the affiliate products or services that your site is promoting.

The next thing you need to do is make your site search engine friendly. This means implementing steps by which your site is search engine optimized. SEO is a must to get good traffic as otherwise people seeking the kind of products that you offer will not be able to find it. If your site is search engine optimized, people searching for the kind of product and information that your business has to offer, will be directed by search engine towards your site. This enables your site to get good rankings in popular search engines such as MSN, Yahoo or Google. While it is important to have a good search engine optimized site, it is equally important to have the quality content written in your site. Seek help from writing professionals, because the manner in which you present information about your company and its products or services, tells a lot about your professionalism and also directs visitors to quickly find the information they are seeking. This also initiates a buy action more quickly from them.

Finally, start a newsletter subscription in your site. This is not difficult to do at all. You just have to put in the code for newsletters in your site coding and you have the auto-responder system installed. You can make use of any of the free scripts available to carry out these tasks. If you look at Google offers "Free Mailing Groups", it is an auto-responder system through which you can subscribe for newsletters. By providing a free gift offer, you can really get people to want to subscribe to your newsletter lists.


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